To investigate the characters of motor pattern and the release of GI hormones in progressive systemic sclerosis ( PSS), 10 patients with PSS and 10 healthy subjects were studied. 胃癌与相关胃肠激素的关系研究进展测定了10例健康志愿者及10例硬皮病(PSS)患者进餐前后胃肠道压力及血浆中胃肠激素的变化。
The growth factor-like or growth-inhibitory effects of some gastro-intestinal ( GI) hormones have been recently noticed. 近年来胃肠激素的生长因子样效应或生长抑制效应逐渐受到重视。
Digestive system function of intestinal tract came to be disordered when happened spleen deficiency. The structure and function of gastrointestinal tract can be regulated directly or indirectly by GI hormones, which can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction with the changes of concentration in peripheral and central. 脾虚时消化系统功能处于紊乱状态,胃肠激素可直接或间接调节胃肠道消化、吸收、分泌和运动等功能,其在外周和中枢浓度的增加或减少均可引起胃肠道功能失调。